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8 Tips To Prepare Your Cat For An Emergency

Prepare Your Cat For An Emergency | MissyMoMo


Owning a cat is a huge responsibility. Not only do you have to care for them, but you also need to prepare for the possibility that an emergency might arise. As a responsible cat parent, you must always be prepared for an emergency: natural disasters, illnesses, injuries, and other unforeseeable events.


What is emergency preparedness?

Emergency preparedness is the act of planning ahead to ensure the safety and needs of your pet are met in the event of an emergency. This includes items like having a plan in place for where your pets will stay, who will care for them, and how they will get there.


In addition to having a plan, it’s also important to have certain supplies on hand in case you have to evacuate quickly. These supplies include things like food and water for your cat, as well as any medications they might need.


Why should I prepare my cat for an emergency?

While we can’t predict when or where a disaster will strike, we can take steps to ensure that we are prepared for any situation.


When disaster strikes, your cat will depend on you to provide food, water, and protection. If you have an emergency plan in place and some basic supplies set aside, you can stay safe and comfortable, even if disaster strikes. Follow these tips to prepare your feline family member for an emergency.

Keep a collar on your cat

Make sure your cat has a collar with up-to-date ID tags and contact information at all times. A tag on your cat’s collar provides the best chance of reuniting you with your cat if the unthinkable happens and they get lost or separated from you during an emergency. If you live in an area prone to earthquakes, hurricanes, or other natural disasters, keep your cat indoors at all times. 

Prepare a cat carrier

In an emergency, having a comfortable carrier for your cat will make evacuation easier for both of you. If your cat isn't used to their carrier, make it appealing by placing treats and toys inside so they associate it with something fun. Make sure the carrier has room for food and water dishes and litter boxes (if necessary).

Know where to go

Have a backup plan in case you must evacuate your home. If you have no place to go, ask friends or family members if they can open their homes to you and your cat during an emergency. Some hotels or motels allow pets — be sure that you have a list of places that welcome animals and include their phone numbers in your disaster planning kit. Many animal shelters don't accept pets during disasters because they need all the space for stray animals, so it's best to make other plans.

Inform yourself about local hazards

You'll want to know what types of disasters are likely to happen in your area because this will help you make decisions about how to prepare for them. For example, if tornadoes are common near where you live, you may want to consider purchasing a hard-sided carrier that offers greater protection than a soft-sided carrier. Contact your local emergency management agency for information on natural hazards and recommended actions in case of emergency. 

Keep important documents with you

Keep a copy of your cat's medical records, including vaccination history, with you or at the home of another family member or friend. In addition, make sure you have a current photo of your cat that clearly shows their face. It will be helpful if they get lost, and people need to identify them.

Have supplies on hand

When a disaster strikes, your cat will need food and water for at least a few days. This is where an emergency kit comes in.

Your kit should include:

1. Canned (pop-top) or dry food (be sure to rotate every two months)

2. Manual can opener (for canned food)

3. Disposable litter trays (aluminum roasting pans are perfect)

4. Litter or paper toweling

5. Pet first-aid kit and guide book (ask your vet what to include)

6. Leashes & harnesses

7. Medications — a minimum of a two-week supply

8. Bottled water, at least seven days' worth for each person and pet (store in a cool, dry place and replace every two months)

9. Collapsible traveling bowl

10. Flashlight with extra batteries (or battery-powered lantern)

Get your cat microchipped

Microchipping your cat is the only permanent way to identify your kitty if they get lost, and it could save your cat's life. Getting your cat microchipped is a relatively quick, easy, and painless process. The whole procedure takes less than a minute, and it is no more painful than a standard vaccination.

Conduct a practice run

Acclimating your cat to their carrier and introducing them to the car is probably the most important thing you can do in advance of an emergency. If you have time, plan a vet visit (preferably for something other than a shot), so your cat can get used to being handled and examined. Make sure your cat has regular checkups with the veterinarian for vaccinations, but also opt for annual exams so they can get comfortable with the vet's office. If possible, take your kitty on car trips to make them feel more relaxed in the vehicle. This can reduce stress on everyone involved if there's an emergency down the road.



Keep Your Cat Safe In Case Of Emergency


Above all, don’t forget to stay calm. Your cat’s comfort during a stressful situation is based on how you react. We hope you never need these tips, but getting your cat ready can help you feel more at ease in times of uncertainty.

